29 November 2023

Josef Valvoda joins MOBILE as Postdoctoral Researcher

Josef Valvoda joins MOBILE Center of Excellence for Global Mobility Law as a Postdoctoral Researcher.

Josef Valvoda holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Cambridge and an MPhil in Advanced Computer Science also at the University of Cambridge. Before that, Josef obtained a Bachelor of Law at the University of Exeter.

Josef’s PhD focused on Artificial Intelligence and Law. He is concerned with how automation can lead to widening access to justice and what deep learning models can, and should, learn. He is on the program committee of the Competition on Legal Information Extraction/Entailment (COLIEE), Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop (NLLP) and the International Workshop on Juris-informatics (JURISIN).

While Legal NLP is the focus of Josef’s thesis, he is also very much interested in broader NLP research. He has published work on testing the compositional behaviour of neural networks, modelling ethics using LLMs as well as work on developing (probing) methods that could better our understanding of what the neural models learn.

Outside of his work in Cambridge, Josef has been frequenting Japan’s National Institute of Informatics (NII), worked with startups (TechWolf) and interned as AI/ML researcher at Apple and Applied Scientist at Amazon.

At MOBILE, Josef will continue his research on bringing together law and neural networks.

Welcome Josef!
