Visiting programme

MOBILE invites international scholars working on mobility law – from PhD candidates to tenured Professors – to join us at the centre for a research stay as visiting fellows. The visiting programme is intended to support academic excellence, diversity and equal opportunity. Applications for visiting fellowships are evaluated twice a year, with submission deadlines 1 April and 1 October.
Research visits range from short to long research stays of usually up to three months. All academic visitors at MOBILE are invited to take part in MOBILE’s seminar series and additional research activities.
In line with MOBILE’s research environment that revolves around collective and constructive feedback, we are particularly looking for candidates who wish to develop new project ideas to take the next step in their research careers. For the duration of the visit, we will do our best to provide access to office space at the centre and library facilities whenever possible.
While we are unfortunately unable to arrange accommodation for visiting researchers in Copenhagen, we can supply you with a list of recommended websites and resources to find accommodation during your stay.
In addition to presenting their research projects at MOBILE, visitors usually contribute to the centre in a variety of ways, which may include, among others, contributing research papers to MOBILE’s working paper series, preparing co-authored papers and grant applications with centre members, as well as data-sharing and data management. We also ask visitors to provide us with a brief introduction of themselves and their research project, which we will share on MOBILE’s website.
Applications are evaluated based on the proposed research project and suggested contribution to MOBILE.
The centre may on needs basis offer financial support to help cover costs in relation to e.g. travel and accommodation expenses of up to €1,300 per full calendar month for a maximum of three months. Visitors are expected to present their research at MOBILE’s seminar series as well as to contribute a research paper to MOBILE’s working paper series. Research stays that exceed three months are possible in cases in which sufficient office space is available.
Apply to become a MOBILE Visiting Fellow using this form.
Applications for visiting fellowships will be evaluated twice a year, 1 April and 1 October.
Read more about the Faculty of Law