New PhD Student: Maya Ellen Hertz

From September 1st, Maya Ellen Hertz joins MOBILE as the new PhD student:
Maya's background
Maya holds a BA in Psychology and Gender & Sexuality Studies from Barnard College, Columbia University, and most recently, an MSc in Social Data Science from the University of Copenhagen.
Maya's research interests
Maya's main research interests lie at the intersection of psychology and law, critical legal studies, queer theory, and data feminism. Previously, Maya has conducted research using experimental methods to investigate disparities in credibility assessments of sexual minority asylum claimants in Denmark, specifically how transnormativity affects the credibility of transgender claimants. Maya's PhD project will extend this work to explore disparities in asylum adjudication, looking at the role of gendered and racialized imaginaries in constructing credibility.
Professor Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen will supervise the PhD project.