15 May 2024

New Visiting Reseacher at MOBILE - Ezgi Yildiz

Picture of researcherEzgi Yildiz is visiting MOBILE from May 13th to July 12th.

Ezgi Yildiz is an Assistant Professor of International Relations at California State University, Long Beach and a Research Associate at the Global Governance Center of the Geneva Graduate Institute. She is also a member of the Expert Group for the EU’s Anti-Torture Regulation and the Coordinating Committee of the European Society of International Law’s Interest Group on Social Sciences and International Law.


Previously, she worked as a Senior Researcher at the Geneva Graduate Institute for the Paths of International Law: Stability and Change in the International Legal Order (PATHS) project, funded by the European Research Council. In addition, she led the Testing the Focal Point Theory of International Adjudication: An Empirical Analysis of the ICJ’s Impact on Maritime Delimitation project, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. Between 2017 and 2019, she was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at Harvard Kennedy School and a Visiting Fellow at the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies at Harvard University (2017).


Ezgi conducts interdisciplinary research on international relations and international law and specializes in international courts, human rights, and ocean governance. She recently published two books, both available with open access: Between Forbearance and Audacity: The European Court of Human Rights and the Norm Against Torture (Cambridge University Press, 2023) and The Many Paths of Change in International Law (Oxford University Press, 2023) (co-edited with Nico Krisch).


In addition, her work has been published or is forthcoming in journals such as the European Journal of International Law, the Review of International Organizations, and the Journal of Human Rights Practice.
