MOBILE Working Paper Series
Center of Excellence on Global Mobility Law: Working papers
- MOBILE Working Paper Series, no. 61, 2024: Brokering in uncharted terrain: The revocation of protection in Norwegian and Danish asylum cases, by Sarah Scott Ford (in processing)
- MOBILE Working Paper Series, no. 60, 2024: La persecución política como crimen de lesa humanidad. El caso de Nicaragua, by Andrea Jiménez Laurence (in processing)
- MOBILE Working Paper Series, no. 38, 2024: SIDU-TXT: An XAI algorithm for NLP with a holistic assessment approach, by Mohammad N. S. Jahromi, Satya M. Muddamsetty, Asta Sofie Stage Jarlner, Anna Højberg Høgenhaug, Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen, and Thomas B. Moeslund
- MOBILE Working Paper Series, no. 33, 2023: Legal Infrastructures: Towards a Conceptual Framework, by William Hamilton Byrne, Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen, and Nora Stappert.
MOBILE Working Paper Series, no. 27, 2023: The Blind Men and the Elephant: An Empirical Analysis of the Social Sciences in International Law by Silvia Steininger, William Hamilton Byrne, and Raphael Oidtmann.
MOBILE Working Paper Series, no. 24, 2023: This Border Called My Skin, by Jaya Ramji-Nogales.
MOBILE Working Paper Series, no. 7, 2023: Interception at Sea by Itamar Mann.